OKAYYYYY. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, then you know about my long AF journey & struggle with fitness & gym. We’ve already covered the basics of my issues in this post so looking back on it, it’s definitely been quite an up and down ride.
If you want an idea of what workouts I do at the gym, be sure to follow me @itsroxyjames on instagram & snapchat where I share mini videos.
In February this year, I got a bomb ass friend (who we shall call K) who happens to be a certified trainer and he legit changed my life. I always wanted to be at the gym but because of my million and one issues, I always found excuses. Actually, not really excuses, but rather I always let my fears, insecurities and paranoia suffocate me. It was definitely more of a mind over matter thing and in some ways, I still have certain issues.
Looking back on these transformation pics, I am SHOOK out of my soul. I can’t believe the drastic difference and there’s no need to say that I’m beyond happy with where I am at right now. Of course, I’m not stopping here because there’s still so much to be done still.
I decided to do a fitness based Q&A because I get so many questions so I hope that these can help you in your personal fitness journey.
Please note that these responses are as of now, where I am currently trying to gain weight & put on muscle. I will do an updated Q& A in the future if my goals change. My focus is also lifting weights- so your fitness goals may be different from mine.
1. How much times do you go to the gym?
I train almost everday for about 2-3 hours. Honestly, it seems like a lot at first, but if you’re going with someone, then you have to alternate between sets & that takes time. Some workouts are shorter than others. Legs would of course take up the most time, whereas chest or back are 1.5 hrs for the most.
2. What cardio do you do?
Right now, I’m not doing any cardio. I would warm up for 5 -10 mins on the treadmill or stairmaster before legs only to prevent injury. I’m focused on gaining weight & building muscle and cardio isn’t conducive to my goals right now.
3. What are your body weight goals?
In February, I was 110 lbs and now I’m 115 lbs. My goal weight right now is 125 lbs.
4. What is your meal plan or prep so you stay so thin. Do you have diet restrictions? Do you follow a diet plan?
Ahhhh firstly I don’t consider myself thin and I actually hate that word. I am definitely not thin nor do I want to be. My views on fitness have changed and now I’m not obsessed with being “thin” or “skinny”. For myself, I want to be “fit”.
Right now, since I’m trying to gain weight, I eat like crazy aka I’m “bulking” right now. If you follow me on snapchat, you’ll see I eat pizza, burgers, pasta- literally everything. However, when I get to my goal weight and I’m happy with the size that I put on, then I’ll start “shredding/cutting”. When that time comes, I’ll start back meal prepping & watching what I eat/eating clean.
I’m also not a fan of calorie counting at this point, but maybe in the future it’ll be different? I’m not sure because this fitness journey has been a learning experience for me.
Also, I’m a vegetarian so I don’t eat meat- that’s the only “diet” restrictions I can think about at this point in time.
5. What are some tips in loosing belly fat?
Eating clean has a HUGE part to play. Less unhealthy carbs, high protein, lots of water & cardio. If you don’t like cardio, try to make it fun so you’ll be more motivated- spin, zumba, running outdoors, dance class etc.
6. Have you ever had any gym anxiety?
YES YES YES. Honestly, it’s insane how much I have anxiety and that’s why I was never able to go to the gym alone. Having a trainer honestly helps me ignore everyone else and just be focused. Even if you can’t have one, there are always trainers at the gym to help you.
From my last fitness post, you can have an idea of why I’m like this and to this day, have gym anxiety. If I have to be honest with you, I still can’t go to the gym alone to lift. If I’m doing cardio or a class, it’s much easier because you’re basically in one place and you don’t have to walk around in front of people.
But as of now, I’m not comfortable lifting in the gym alone. I need my workout buddy to be there because if he’s not, I’ll get really anxious and intimidated with everyone around. It’s honestly not easy to waltz into a predominantly male dominated environment and lift because there’ll always be some talk. I get anxious if I’m alone because then I overthink everything I’m doing and doubt myself. It’s something I still have problems with so I can’t fully tell you how to overcome it, but maybe by the end of the year I’ll be more confident alone & I can give better advice.
7. Where do you get your gym clothes?! They’re super cute.
Most of the workout leggings I show on snapchat are from Forever 21 & my sports bras are also from there. I just mix and match with random tops to put together my outfit. TBH, if you’re buying from F21, I strongly recommend buying thicker leggings (you should feel the material) because I have some that are really thin and my entire ass shows LOL. So I use those for other workouts except legs. I also have a a leggings from NIKE that I really like so I might get some more.
Since I’m definitely more into the gym, I’ll be investing in better workout clothes soon so when I do, I’ll post about them so look out for it on my social media.
8. How do you deal with embarrassing panty lines?
UGH I feel you with this!! I usually wear boy shorts and then shove my hands in my pants to smoothen down the lines LOL. I try not to wear too thick boy shorts since those tend to print out more. You definitely don’t want to wear any underwear that covers piece of your ass because that’s when I find the lines tend to print out more.
9. Do you have a trainer/is he training anyone else?
My workout buddy and friend K, happens to be the best trainer ever and I honestly couldn’t have done this without him.
No he’s not training anyone else so I guess I’m a lucky girl cause he’s all mine.
10. What kind of workouts do you do?
LIFT LIFT LIFT. I get a lot of requests to do a workout routine so I might just do a full body one for my channel one day. But as of now, I share what I do on snapchat @itsroxyjames.
I life heavy with less reps depending on what I’m doing e.g. legs, and for arms I go lighter with more reps.
11. Advice on protein shakes for gaining lean muscle.
OKAY so here’s the thing. I know this is super bad but I hate drinking protein. Trust me, I know- it’s horrible especially since I lift relatively heavy. Most protein powders are just too sweet for me and it makes me feel sick. Drinking protein is definitely a must though, when it comes to lifting weights but I still have to find one that works for me.
There’s also protein powders for guys & girls so you want to check with someone who’s more knowledgeable to see which one suits your needs better.
12. How long did it take?
OMG this!! I’ve been training consistently since February 2017 so it’s like 3 months straight of gym. Yes it’s a sacrifice but I love training. Honestly, I thought I didn’t make any progress unless I found back old pics & thankfully, a snapchat babe sent them to me. I couldn’t believe it.
Never in my life have I been to the gym as consistently as I did in the last three months. And prior to that, I would ONLY do cardio straight for two months a year. Hence the “BEFORE” picture. I take lots of pictures in the gym now so I can look back on them later this year, to see my progress.
Consistency is KEY to getting results and you have to have PATIENCE. Results will not happen overnight so you really have to keep at it.
13. How do you stay motivated to go to the gym?
I WANT to go to the gym and that’s motivation in itself. You really have to want it because then it’ll just be a chore, and let’s be real- no one wants to do chores right HAHA. It really has to become a lifestyle that becomes part of your everyday life.
You need to also do what works for you and what you like. For instance, I get bored really easily so it helps that K switches up my routine constantly. I also hate cardio so when I have to do it, I do classes like zumba & spin. You’ll never see me slaving away on a treadmill because I HATE treadmills.
My breakup & being cheated on has also given me a fire and a will to be better. That fuels me not only in gym, but in every part of my life and I’ve honestly never felt better.
Questions? Ask here.
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