OMG this is one of the MOST asked topics that you babes wanted me to cover. So finally after putting it off forever now, here we are. I LOVE waxing and I’ve been waxing down there for about a decade now. Like almost every other gal, I’ve been shaving before I found the magical world of waxing. Honestly, I cannot lie, there’s nothing as amazing feeling as a #BALDPUSS
P.S. for more action- follow me @itsroxyjames on instagram & snapchat!
Shaving doesn’t work for me for so many reasons- I don’t like the ingrowns, nicks, hair growing back the next day (hello I have some Indian in me!!), roughness the next day and not to mention the horror of having to SHAVE every single time you think you gonna get a lil action.
UM no. Ain’t nobody have time for that- at least I don’t.
Here are my most frequently asked questions and my personal experiences, tips & hacks when it comes to waxing your V.
See babes, I got you. Okay now let’s get into the waxing shebang.
1. Why is waxing better than shaving?
- Shaving removes hair just at the surface whereas waxing removes hair by the root. This means your hair will take a much longer time to grow out aka hair-free skin for weeks!
- Your skin will also be smoother and you won’t have to suffer from the stubbles that you get from shaving.
- The hair grows back finer & softer so you’ll still have that smooth vs prickly feeling.
2. Does it hurt?
THIS is the #1 question that everyone asks because there are so many horror stories about waxing the vagine. Honestly, it hurts just in the minute that the wax strip is pulled off and after that I swear, you don’t even feel it. It happens so fast anyway so it’s not overall painful- just in short bursts when the strip is pulled off.
Of course, everyone’s pain tolerance is different and to be fair, I do have a high tolerance. But honestly, the “fear” of pain shouldn’t be a deterrent because like I said- it only hurts when the strip is pulled off and if you count to 20 secs after, you’re fine.
If you really really think you can’t handle it, try taking a pain reliever like Advil/Tylenol about an hour before you wax.
3. Take it all off/Leave some hair
This is totally up to you and what you like. Here are the 3 basic “styles” that I’m familiar with:
Brazilian: All about that #BALDPUSS life andddd just being real here- it’s front to back and YES, including your ass.
Landing Strip: A very thin, vertical strip of hair. It doesn’t have to be a set width/length- that depends on you. The problem with this though is that it can be very hard to get it even looking and when it’s growing back it can be a disaster since obviously the strip will grow back faster than the rest of the hair. But hey, if you’re up for trimming it yourself occasionally, it won’t be much of a problem.
Bikini Line: This is just waxing off the extra edges
4. How often do you need to wax?
This honestly depends on you and how your hair grows. Everyone is different. For me, I can wax my legs every 4 months without it growing back. Sadly, my V isn’t so blessed and I have to wax every month. Most waxing is usually done once a month anyway so it doesn’t really bother me.
5. When is the best time to wax?
After your period is a great time since you won’t be as sensitive. You don’t want to be bawling your eyes out while you’re waxing down there just because your emotions are all over the place.
I wax every month, a few days after my period. By that time, the hair is a good length to wax again.
6. How long should the hair be?
About a 1/4 inch is fine. If it’s too short, you won’t be able to wax since the wax will have a hard time sticking to the hair. If it’s too long, you can probably trim it down- just not too short!!
7. Exfoliate before you wax
Exfoliating before you wax helps to slough off dead skin cells and this makes it easier for the wax to stick to the hair and not the skin. Ideally, you should exfoliate the area when you take a shower the night before your appointment. I use an exfoliation mitt to get the job done, but you can also make a DIY scrub like the one in the video below!
8. Freshen up down there before you wax
Let us all be real here- don’t go to wax after a long ass day in school/work, or after the gym (EW) or just after anything like that. And if you have to, PLEASE use wipes or moist towelettes to clean & freshen up for obvious reasons and courtesy to your wax-person. I usually go right after I take a shower because I just feel more comfortable that way.
9. What should you wear?
I strongly recommend cotton undies and NOT going for anything lacy/lingerie type. You want to be comfortable after you wax and not irritate your skin. Also, don’t wear pants that are too tight in case it chafes your skin.
My ideal waxing outfit is a teeshirt, cotton undies, leggings & flip flops (since you’ll have to take off your shoes as well).
10. What to expect during the wax?
You’re gonna be totally nude from the waist below and yes, you gotta take off your underwear. Get comfortable to get into a butterfly pose where your feet are together and your knees apart. There’s nothing to be ashamed of and people who wax see hundreds of vaginas so just try to keep that in mind and not overthink things.
Throughout the waxing, you’ll have to sometimes hold the lips of the V open while the wax is being applied. It’s your vagine so you should be comfortable touching/holding parts.
If you’re doing a Brazilian, you’ll most likely have to let your knees touch your chest for full access to your ass. For me, this is the easiest part and I barely feel a thing.
11. What should you do AFTER the wax?
Since you’re removing hair from the root, you’re going to have open pores. You should use an antiseptic to prevent ingrown hairs and just clean the area generally. I use tea tree oil and a cotton round when I get home and just dab it onto my V. Sure, it burns like hell sometimes but it’s going to help you have smooth, ingrown-less skin after. You can also use Neosporin.
P.S. here are some ways you can avoid ingrown hairs.
12. Sticky?
It’s WAX we’re dealing with after all right? Sometimes, there may be some wax residue and the best and easiest way to get rid of it is by using baby oil. When I shower after I wax, I just dab a little wherever feels sticky and it gets the wax right off.
13. Sex after waxing?
HELL YEA! You definitely can and it’s the best feeling ever. I like to wait a few hours after to give my skin some time to heal.
OFC everyone is different but my advice to you is to NOT wax for the first time right before something major like your honeymoon or vacation. That just spells DISASTER. You should plan on waxing a few months before so you’ll get familiar with your skin, irritation, redness or anything random that might happen with you.
14. Get comfortable with your partner seeing hair
OKAY so at first this may be super intimidating and awkward when the hair is growing back, but just remember, it will be very fine and the area will still be smooth. If you’re really insecure about your partner seeing fine hairs growing back, then waxing may not be the best option for you. Realistically, you can’t keep waxing every time you see a little hair growing back up because you’ll just irritate your skin.
Being comfortable with your partner (and vice versa) when your hair regrowing is a sign of maturity so honestly, if that’s not something both of you are comfortable with, like I said, you might have to rethink waxing.
15. Don’t shave
When your hair is regrowing, you might be tempted to shave it but DON’T. You’ll just end up with stubbles & making your next wax harder since you’ll basically have to start from scratch. Like I said before, if you’re not okay with hair growing back and having to wait for your next wax, then waxing isn’t for you.
Waxing down there is one of the most worth it beauty treatment for me. I love the way my skin feels after and it’s also super tingly after when you’re getting a lil lovin’ and what’s not to love about that?! #GOALS
Let me know your thoughts on waxing & if you have any tips you’ll like to share.
Bryana says
OMG Roxy your amazing..I was just thinking the other day..I wonder should I switch to waxing..cause I’m sick of ingrown hairs..Waxing does hurt…But it is for 30 sec and I heard Brazilian is the best..So I’ll try it out
Awww thank you babe!! And yes it’s VERY worth it- thank you for reading & giving me your feedback babe. Love you & good luck xo