Tis the most wonderful time of the year- and yes, I truly believe that. Sometimes though, I need a little help to really get into that festive mood. As with anything in my life, a list always helps and there’s nothing quite like making a holiday bucket list because it’s so exciting and guaranteed to make you start belting out carols to anyone who would listen. And lucky for you, if you need help coming up with a list or you just need some inspiration, I got a glam FREE printable holiday bucket list that you can put in a frame or place in your planner.
I also have FREE holiday phone wallpapers you can download, so choose your fave designs right here.
This list is simple enough so that anyone, anywhere can do it.
Oh, if you need a recipe for sugar cookies, this one is pretty easy and of course, you can’t go wrong with a Martha Stewart recipe like this one.
Does it have anything that you’re excited for this holidays? Let me know in the comments below.
[sociallocker]Holiday Bucket List[/sociallocker]
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