You know how you’re perfectly fine one minute and then you’re just feeling nauseous with a sickening dizzy spell, blacking out and whacking your head into a wall? Yea, pretty much the story of my life. Last night was the third time that happened to me in my life and you would THINK I would go to the doctor and get some blood work done by now. But yea, no. Not me who avoids doctors and dentists like the plague.
The first time I had killer cramps and I blacked out with a glass in my hand, only to wake up finding Paris crossing over me- YES, TOTALLY IGNORNING THE FACT THAT I WAS ON THE FLOOR- and broken glass scattered all over the place. I blamed this episode and my insane headache on the pain of the cramps.
Then the next time was when I think I was allergic to something but didn’t know and I found myself later throwing up for like 6 hours straight until my body was eventually like eff this. That “eff this” meant that my body decided to throw me back into a wall and give me a fit- no really, a REAL fit, where I was shaking up and my eyes were all rolling back in my head and all that bs, much to the horror of my roomie. Obviously, I blamed it on the alleged “allergy”.
And then last night, well tbh, I dunno wtf to blame it on, but it happened. Now I have a bump (I kid you not) protruding out of my head above my right eyebrow with a gash down the middle. And NO, it’s not in the shape of a lightning bold WHICH WAS THE LEAST IT COULD HAVE BEEN. In the middle of blacking out I felt like it was The Whack that shook me back to reality cause it was hard AF. I guess I should say thanks? since I could have been laying on the floor all now.
P.S. #1: I cried for like 2 seconds because of the uncontrollable nausea and dizziness anddd obv The Whack. But when I felt the monstrosity that was growing out of my head, it forced me into action aka icing the heck out of it for like 6 hours straight.
P.S. #2: out of all the other blacking out experiences, this was the only time that I was left with a physical reminder, which I repeat is not in the shape of that iconic lighting bolt.
P.S. #3: In all the blacking out experiences, I did hit my head each time but I was only out for a maximum of 5 mins.
Obviously resting is not in my nature so hence I’m typing this with The Bump and a delicately made up face since today is Election’s and long story short, my mother ain’t care about making me wait in a line with a bump on my head. I’m sure she cares about The Bump deep deep down inside.
Has this ever happened to you before?
No, not the going-to-vote-with-a-big-ass-bump-on-your head. The whole blacking out thing?
I probably am gonna go get a check up and blood work done cause it’s LONGGG over due. But still. Gulp. And next year, I’ll even think about taking out my wisdom teeth that has completely destroyed my perfectly aligned teeth and BROKE my permanent retainer. LIKE WTF? Whose teeth does that bs? MEGA GULP.
I do feel a bit better now thankfully, but it has left me a bit shaken up because it was so fricken random.
If you have any suggestions, comment it down below.
vanessa valentine says
my mom and i have the palet and i love the colors
It’s really stunning right?!