Soooo basically social media is a huge part of my hobby – which is making YouTube videos and blogging- so it’s no wonder that I’m ALWAYS on my iPhone snapchatting, instagramming, tweeting or doing some other related thing.
I realized I barely even take the time to have a normal conversation with my friends, read a book or just go out and do something that doesn’t involve being on my phone or computer. So I decided to practice something new.
I don’t know when exactly when or how I came up with this idea, but it could have been when I realized I bought a huge pile of books I never read, because really, when the eff do I get a chance to read.
P.S. Harry Potter doesn’t count because I ALWAYS have time for Harry.
I have always always been a bookworm and the fact that I don’t get to read my books or even buy new books is really a horrific and traumatic thing. Obviously it doesn’t have to be reading if you’re not a fan of reading- it could be something that you love but just don’t have “the time” to do. So hence I came up with this little idea.
WTF you ask? I know you think I’m crazy but read on to see why.