St. Patrick’s Day is almost here and even though we don’t celebrate this in Trinidad, asked me to do a video on this and I couldn’t pass it up. I mean, DIY obsessed much?! Here’s the video and I really hope that you enjoy it. Below are pictures where you can see everything up close. Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in your country? If so, then what do you do? Comment and let me know!
This photoprop is perfect if you’re entertaining your guests-and it’s very easy to make. You can substitute the pipe cleaner rainbow with strips of ribbon or even cardboard!
(Yes, my brother glittered the ‘gold’ and it wasn’t perfect but I love it either way)
This Sharock Shake just combines 1 pint size of Vanilla ice-cream, almond milk and food colouring to get that pretty green look. I have to say that this isn’t as healthy but the Healthy Shakin’ Shamrock Smoothie in the video is definitely another amazing option for all my health freaks!
I couldn’t do this DIY with incorporating a nail tutorial. I love the clover on my accent nail, the pot of the gold on my thumb, and I have to say that I am now obsessed with glitter placement and for sure will be doing lots more like these.
I love this simple treat-worthy idea. Another (much cheaper) option instead of Ferrero Rocher is gold chocolate coins but I couldn’t find them anywhere so this really compliments and suits this rather well I’d say. If you use a bigger plant pot, you’ll really need to load up on more ‘gold’. The cotton at the end of the rainbow added a lovely little touch don’t you think?!
There’s nothing I love more than homemade scrubs and this was perfect and definitely St. Patrick’s Day appropriate. It’s made with ingredients you most likely will have in your kitchen: honey, olive oil and white sugar! However, added some peppermint oil for a lovely little kick and scent as well as food colouring for that beautiful green look.
Here’s the tag that I made-feel free to paste it into a word document and resize it to fit your jar!
Hope you enjoyed this pinch proof DIY!
XO, The Classy It Girl!
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