Feeling a little overwhelmed? No worries- it happens to ALL of us, no matter how well organized we are. This feeling comes from having a seemingly never ending to-do list and not being able to complete it.
We’ve all experienced this feeling of “never having enough time” which is totally understandable since LIFE happens. Things never go according to plan or schedule- and that’s okay. But there are a few simple things that you can practice, to soothe this feeling of overwhelm, while still being productive and getting things done.
P.S. be sure you’re following me on Instagram @itsroxyjames for much more exclusive lifestyle content over there.
Here are 3 little steps to tackle your to-do list.
1. You will actually NEVER remember it all.
If it’s one lie we all need to stop telling ourselves, it’s definitely this one. Whether you’re a full time student, blogger or small business owner, the only way to truly be accountable, is by writing down every single thing you have to do. Literally everything- no matter how small or seemingly unimportant it may be. From fulling gas to taking your vitamins or scheduling an important meeting.
You can write down daily to-do lists, weekly, or even use a monthly planner for an overview. Writing things down also helps so much with reducing anxiety because you won’t be stressed constantly thinking about what you have to do.
It’s honestly the most refreshing feeling and when I write my to-do lists, I can actually feel the anxiety easing away. I no longer feel like I’m constantly thinking or worrying, and that gives me such peace of mind.
When you practice list making, you’ll be able to actually SEE what you need to get done, and that gives you an idea of where you need to allot your time, and what you have to prioritize.
2. Tackle the easy things first- or not?
Here’s the thing, there’s always so much mixed research on if you should tackle the easiest things first or the hardest things on your to-do list. I really truly think that this is up to your personal preference. There’s no right or wrong way to be productive. Try out both ways and see which one suits you.
Is it easier for you to get all the minor things done, and then fully focus on the harder things? Or does it work if you “eat the frog” aka tackle the hardest things first, and then breeze through the easier things?
For me, I’ve found that if I tackle and complete the easier things on my to-do list, it immediately gives me a boost of motivation to move on to the things I’ve been avoiding. It gives me comfort knowing that when I finish the hardest task, I don’t have to worry about going back and completing anything because I would have finished everything else before.
But it can be the other way around for you- and again, that’s okay. Find a system that works for you.
3. Allocate specific time blocks to getting things done
This can be especially helpful when it comes to knocking off the harder things on your list.
Give yourself maybe an hour or two to work on this project until you finish it. It’s so important to intentionally set aside the time instead of trying to fit it in somewhere through the day because that will never work. Things will always come up and you will always find yourself being distracted and unfocused.
A recent personal example is at my stationery brand & shop It’s Pretty Productive:
Every year, I have to create a new collection for the upcoming year. I absolutely LOVE working on my brand and creating new products and prints, but some items are so much easier for me to work on, whereas others, it makes me feel so overwhelmed.
I can easily feel inspired to create the monthly and weekly planners, hanging wall calendars and other items here and there. But when it comes to the desk planner- it just feels like an impossible task. So this year, I planned out exactly which day I’ll be doing what, color coded everything in my monthly planner, and got the easier things out of the way.
Then I buckled down to work on the desk planner over a day or two- while focusing on nothing else except that. When I was finished, I was so so happy because I finished it (YAY) as well as all the other planners before! There was nothing else to go back too, because my list was complete. It was honestly the best feeling ever and this is what works for me.
Hope these 3 little steps give you some inspiration to check things off your to-do list. Are you someone who does the hardest or easiest thing first?
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